Friday, August 31, 2018

Pro Setup Ibanez Gio milik Saudara Syukur Cheras

Alhamdulillah selesai sudah setting utk gitar ni...Tapi PHC dapat counter beberapa masalah yg menyebabkan tune stability tak berapa ngam iaitu : 

1 ) FR Insert Lock Block haus ( 80% ) menyebabkan string 'slipped' dan tune jd drop... 

2 ) Sustain dan tone utk tali 3G tak berapa cantik...Saddle dah pecah menyebabkan sustain leaking... Isu ini sudah dimaklumkan pd owner...Jadi gitar kena tahan wad dulu sementara owner datang bawa spare parts yg diperlukan... 

Nota PHC : Tone dan sustain utk string lain cantik dah... 

- Fret Leveling done 

- Fretwire crowning and dressing done - String action adjustment done ( 1mm @12th frets ) 

- Neck reset / relief done 

- FR trem bridge floating setting and intonation done 

- Fretboard treatment and cleaning done 

- Guitar spa and cleaning done #PHCguitars 


Original guitar condition

Stringwire stripped... 
Ready for fret leveling...

8 uneven fretwires from 24...Almost 50% tone was affected...

Neck allignment inspection...Wait for it..

Neck allignment inspection using special tool

Fretwire conditions after fret leveling...Rough and flat surface...

A few fret cuts can be seen

Before and after fret crowning

Ready for fret dressing

Fret dressing and polishing using Dremel

Before and after fret dressing

Dirty and dust between and inside pickups...
Servicing and cleaning works

Bridge cleaning

Body polishing and demolishing minor hair / swirl scratch

Buffed with low speed polish machine

Applying Lemon oil on Rosewood fretboard

Abnormal conditions for insert lock block which causing unstable tuning... 
New looks..The saddle should be replace but it depends with owner's budget..So I maintained it with original parts

Tuning and Reintonation

Job accomplished

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